Intelligent Design Science for Kids : Homeschool Science
Intelligent Design Science Resource Sites for Kids
Case for a Creator for Kids (Case for… Series for Kids)
57% OffFor everyone who teaches Creationism or “Intelligent Design” of life, the topics menu arranged by the creation story in the Bible are as follows:
In the beginning God created…
Matter. Light — The first day;
Water. Motion — The second day;
Land. Plant Kingdom — The third day;
Solar System. Astronomy — The fourth day;
Marine Life. Birds, Dinosaurs — The fifth day;
Animal Kingdom. Mankind — The sixth day;
Learning. Creationism — The seventh day;
Beyond the seventh day — Discovery.
There is a lot of debate about the similarities and differences in “Intelligent Design” theory and creationism. The debate on the issue is, in itself, interesting to research. It holds a lot of interest who are interested in the origins of life. The search terms [ “intelligent design” creation ] provide a good variety of websites for research. I haven’t found any GREAT sites for exploring these topics yet. However, If I do, I will list them here.
I do have a variety of sites listed that specifically teach Creationism. These are interactive sites that are beneficial for teaching this scientific topic.
NOVA videos – Great content on a variety of science topics. For visual learners, in particular, this video series helps explain modern scientific exploration and concepts. The detailed, step-by-step process of exploration helps make concepts understandable and the colorful videography engages even “reluctant” learners. This series is particularly wonderful for middle to high school aged children. However, even at an upper elementary age our children were able to gain a lot of concept knowledge from the series.
Homeschool Science Unit Studies Page
Be sure to check out our MAIN Science Page for a list of many additional science topics for kids. Each topic page has links to interactive, audio-visual websites and optional resources to help you with your homeschool science.