Multisensory Integration & Resources for Multisensory Instruction
Multisensory Integration Across All Subjects For Better Learning
Do you feel more knowledgeable about multisensory instruction now that you’ve completed the tutorial?
If you feel like you’ve missed something, it might help to explore links out of the tutorial. You may want to go back to pages of interest and check out specific aids for different curricula. You may find it helpful to check out multisensory integration teaching resources for math, science, social studies, etc.
If you’d like more multisensory integration information, you might find this book of use. It’s particularly helpful if you are teaching a child who has reading difficulties: A Teacher’s Guide to Multisensory Learning: Improving Literacy by Engaging the Senses.
To find great manipulatives or science kits for multisensory integration, I recommend Home Science Tools. This company provides science supplies, articles, experiment ideas, science kits, microscopes, homeschool curriculum, and everything else you need to make science a hands-on, multisensory adventure.
We use Home Science Tools for our hands-on science supplies and have found their prices very reasonable. Because they cater specifically to homeschool families, they provide materials in smaller quantities that meet our needs.
Delta Education is another provider of materials for individuals, as well as large, expensive classroom kits. Delta provides manipulatives for Math and Science. They also provide visually rich books about scientific topics at different grade levels. If you look closely, you should be able to find the single set of materials, a single copy of the book, and a single copy of the exploratory CD-Rom for most products.
Academic Software is great and you can find a lot of programs specifically geared towards the education market. Using computer programs is a great way to provide multisensory integration for learners who love audio-visual learning activities.
You can get Science, History, and other Non-Fiction audiobooks too. Both audiobooks and academic software are great for audio visual learners.
Summary of Multisensory Integration for Effective Learning
If you can use multisensory teaching with a variety of learning activities into your child’s lessons, you’re likely to have a better educational outcome. Your child will be more engaged. Learning will be more fun. And the multisensory integration means your child will learn more effectively.