Psychological Learning Styles : Support your child’s learning
What are Psychological Learning Styles ? What is your child’s?
There are four components to psychological learning styles. These pieces are ways of thinking that your child may use. Look at each of the pieces to see what your child’s psychological learning preferences might be.
Psychological Learning Styles : Global Thinking – Whole-to-Part processing; students with this style see the “big picture” before integrating individual parts of the picture into their thinking. “These students may appear to be slow processors when in reality, they are taking in the new information and considering the significance of it. They’re interpreting how this new piece of knowledge fits into the larger system” (Mann, 2006). Students learn best by being presented the overall concept, then engaging in exploration of the pieces that make up the whole.
Psychological Learning Styles : Analytical (Sequential) Thinking – Part-to-Whole processing; Analytical learners prefer to learn the sequential pieces. They assimilate the pieces into a whole concept. Analytical students learn best by being presented individual ideas or components. They then explore how each of the components link together to form the overall concept.
Psychological Learning Styles : Impulsive (Active) Learner – Prefers to explore ideas through active exploration. They like to engage in “hands-on” learning and learn by trying out new ideas. Active learners enjoy exploratory-experiential learning
Psychological Learning Styles : Reflective Learner – Prefers to ponder concepts and consider various options. Reflective learners learn through analysis and careful evaluation of new ideas through deep thinking. Reflective Learners need time to think, evaluate, and process new ideas.
When rating themselves as global or sequential, most students select “sequential.” When rating between active or reflective, most students select “active” (Dahl, 2005). Your child could easily be different, but a sequential, active learner is the predominate style when students rate themselves.
If you’d like to evaluate your child’s psychological learning style, visit to have your child take the full assessment.