Homeschooling Geometry Curriculum to Make Learning FUN
Homeschooling GEOMETRY Curriculum Videos, Apps, and Tools Make Learning FUN!
You can choose from a variety of great hands-on homeschooling Geometry curriculum programs for your child. You will find teaching videos, apps, and tools that are highly rated and effective listed below. If you’re looking for Homeschooling Geometry curricula, be sure to visit our curriculum page too.
Here are some GREAT resources we used when my guys got stuck. These tools helped with geometry proofs and concepts that I had difficulty explaining to them.
We used both Purple Math and Khan Academy videos. They were supplements to our regular homeschooling geometry curriculum.
When your homeschooler is having trouble understanding, look for an explanation on Purple Math or Khan Academy. Their explanations may make more sense to your child. This is not a comprehensive list of homeschooling geometry programs. However, the tools, videos, and apps below are excellent choices for getting your child interested in geometry.
If your child is still struggling with her homeschooling geometry lessons, use some of the hands-on and visual programs listed below. These programs, along with geometric tools and supplemental videos, usually make a great program.
Even if your child is not struggling with his homeschooling geometry program, supplementing with the tools below can make your child’s Geometry a lot more fun and engaging!
Interactive Learning Programs and Projects to learn Geometry in a COOL way!
My FAVORITE TOOLS for hands-on, visual homeschooling geometry:
1) Geometer’s Sketchpad Software – If your child is a visual learner, having the Geometer’s sketchpad can make a big difference in your child’s ability to understand Geometry concepts. This software lets you build math models, objects, figures, diagrams, and graphs. You wouldn’t use the Sketchpad as a stand-alone homeschooling geometry program. However, it’s a great tool for helping your child understand geometric shapes and concepts.
2) A Blueprint for Geometry (Math Projects Series) – This is one of the most useful and FUN tool for understanding Geometry basics. If your child is visual or likes building, the Blueprint for Geometry is AWESOME fun! It comes with a blueprint and teaches Geometry through the design process for creating a house. Again, this is not a complete homeschooling geometry program, since it doesn’t cover all geometric concepts. However, Blueprint Geometry it is a great introduction to “why geometry is important.” It is a great addition to any homeschooling geometry curriculum.
3) Spirograph Deluxe Design Set – Spirographs don’t specifically teach geometry. However, the spirograph is a cool way of drawing geometric shapes. The Spirograph can help your child visualize circles, tangents, triangles, and other geometric shapes. Basically, the Spirograph helps with mathematical concepts.
4) The Math On Call program (pictured to the right). This book was an essential reference in our house when we were homeschooling geometry. When explanations in our curricula didn’t quite make sense to my guys, we grabbed this book FIRST. It’s an awesome little book with all kinds of concepts and formulas. It’s easy to find and understand the information you need. It is one of the few books we have kept through the years, across every math subject, and still have today!
Geometry Tools:
For virtually ANY homeschooling geometry program you use, you will need a compass, protractor, and other tools. Getting a kit like this top selling, 10-Piece Compass and Geometry Kit can help your child keep everything together in one place. The kit will provide everything your child needs.
Top-Rated Homeschooling Geometry Teaching DVDs
If your child is an auditory or audio-visual type of learner, you may find that your child learns best with memorable, entertaining video content. These videos on Geometry will help most kids. I tend to consider them supplemental in instruction rather than a comprehensive homeschooling geometry program. Combining some of these videos with the Shaum’s Outline Geometry, listed first on this page, can provide a full homeschooling geometry program for your child. It’ll be a program that is likely to be enjoyable and effective.
FREE and Top-Rated Geometry Apps
Below are some of the top-rated Geometry apps that are available on Amazon. I’ve selected mostly free geometry apps because I know free is always good for homeschooling geometry! 😀