Dyslexia Writing Samples : See the Progress That Can Be Made
Grade-by-Grade Dyslexia Writing Samples
This page contains dyslexia writing samples collected through our years of homeschooling. We overcame severe dyslexia, issues with handwriting, and major spelling problems.
We were ABLE to overcome the spelling problems, which can be the HARDEST part of dyslexia to overcome!
The dyslexia writing samples below show how my son progressed in both spelling and handwriting. The samples will take you from his elementary years through high school.
You may also want to check out these Programs we used to overcome writing problems:
- Our first Year of Homeschooling – The programs we Used.
- Our Second Year of Homeschooling – The programs we Used.
- Our Third Year of Homeschooling – The programs we Used.
- Programs for Improving Handwriting
- Programs for Developing Written Expression Skills
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BEFORE we began homeschooling: Second Grade Dyslexia Writing Sample
This dyslexia writing sample is from my son’s second grade year in public school. At this time it was obvious he had severe issues. Our school kept dismissing our concerns until we filed a due process lawsuit. We tried to force them to work with our son. However, we learned you can’t make them care or do the job right!
At the Beginning of our homeschooling : Fifth Grade Dyslexia Writing Sample
This dyslexia writing sample is from my son’s fifth grade year after we started homeschooling. He obviously had some idea about letters and sounds. However, he did not have a solid understanding of phonemes. He could write somewhat, but his spelling was very phonetic.
Mid-Sixth Grade Dyslexia Writing Sample
In the second year of our homeschooling, my son’s sixth grade year, we began working on improving handwriting. This is an example of the improvement we made with his chronic dyslexia writing issues in one year’s time. Learning cursive DID improve his word and letter spacing.
Mid-Seventh Grade Dyslexia Writing Sample
In the third year of our homeschooling, we continued working on improving handwriting. This was the point where I became concerned that his spelling abilities were not going to come along with his reading and writing abilities. Also, my son was still having difficulty with handwriting. Therefore, I began considering keyboarding as a long-term, assistive technology solution.
Mid-Seventh Grade Dyslexia Writing Sample:
As you can see from this dyslexia writing sample and the one from earlier in seventh grade, we weren’t making a whole lot of progress with my son’s actual handwriting. However, the Bravewriter writing curriculum was inspiring my son to write more creatively! That was a FABULOUS skill to develop!
Mid-Eighth Grade Dyslexia Writing Sample
As my son got more comfortable with his expressing himself through writing, he also moved away from mixed print and cursive. He went back to straight cursive writing. This was about as good as I thought it’d get. However, he did continue to improve from here! 😀
Spelling Remediation: Tenth Grade Dyslexia Writing Sample
These two dyslexia writing samples are from my son’s eight grade year. At this time, in preparation for college, we began keyboarding training. You’ll see in the second sample of dyslexia writing for tenth grade. In the hand-written sample, you’ll see how fabulously my son’s handwriting improved from the first half to second half of his tenth grade year!
I also really began focusing on trying to help my son with his spelling issues now that he was reading and writing without having to work so doggone hard to write. I researched to figure out WHAT WORKS for spelling when a child has severe dyslexia. You’ll see marked-up in the type-written dyslexia writing sample.
Spelling Remediation: Tenth Grade Dyslexia Writing Sample
When researching educational studies, I learned that the “Self-Correction” method of spelling helped improve chronic spelling issues more than any other method. Keep in mind, this method only works AFTER a child knows all of the spelling rules. Your child has to be able to recognize the correct spelling in a list of words even if he can’t spell it off the top of his head. This sample shows my “mark-ups” (highlighting and underlines) to help my son see where his spelling errors were.
By using self-correction along with spelling programs, my son became a good speller in spite of his severe dyslexia!
AFTER Remediation: Twelfth Grade Dyslexia Writing Sample
This dyslexia writing sample is from my son’s senior year after we had worked on remediating his dyslexia writing, keyboarding and spelling issues. He did fabulously in his dual-enrollment courses at the university!
Check out the Programs We Used To Overcome Dyslexia Writing Issues:
Our first Year of Homeschooling – The programs we Used.
Our Second Year of Homeschooling – The programs we Used.
Our Third Year of Homeschooling – The programs we Used.
Programs for Improving Handwriting
Programs for Developing Written Expression Skills
AFTER Remediation: College Graduate In Spite of Having Severe Dyslexia Writing Issues in Elementary and Middle School
My son went off to college at a large university. He completed his B.S. Degree in a scientific field in three years. He also graduated Magna Cum Laude!!
This is the boy our school administrators said would “never read well,” and “is NOT college material!” They were SOOOO WRONG. Thank the LORD for putting the right encouragers in my path and for showing me a DIFFERENT road. Read our story of how we began homeschooling for additional encouragement, and KNOW that YOU are NOT alone!!