Homeschool ADHD Kids : Resources for GREAT Outcomes
Did you know a large number parents homeschool ADHD kids who are bright learners?
Did you know there is research where moms homeschool ADHD kids and have better educational progress than publicly schooled kids with ADHD?
You can homeschool ADHD as a super way to help your child get a great education withOUT being labeled as a “bad kid.” Parents who homeschool ADHD kids don’t have a teacher sending home notes every day about the impulsive or disruptive things their child did.
I’ve BEEN THERE–on both accounts. My children started out in public school, but we changed to homeschooling. It was the BEST decision we ever made, educationally speaking.
Having been here and done that with my son’s ADHD.. I want to share these educational resources for moms who homeschool ADHD kids. The support groups and links to websites can help you deal with your child’s ADHD while schooling at home.
Having a child with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder can be a significant challenge for any parent, but moms who homeschool ADHD kids often avoid a lot of public school issues. Public school is often a poor place for a child with ADD / ADHD to learn effectively.
For example, I LET my child flip all over the place, sit on a big bouncing ball and bounce while reading. He walked on the treadmill while listening to audiobooks, and jumped on the trampoline while practicing math facts. Moms who homeschool ADHD kids can ALLOW their kids to be themselves while learning more easily!
Given that your child has ADD / ADHD and you homeschool your ADHD child, you will find great comfort in resources that will help you effectively treat, manage, and deal with ADHD. There are many parents in our Learning Abled Kids’ Yahoo Group for moms who homeschool ADHD kids. Please join our group, and check out the resources below.
Your journey through homeschooling your bright, energetic child may be challenging at times, but it will also bring you unexpected joys. You’ll have an easier time on the homeschool ADHD road if you arm yourself with knowledge about behavior management, and a solid understanding of your child’s personality type. Check out the resources below to arm yourself with good information.
Recommended Reading for Moms who Homeschool ADHD kids:
Superparenting for ADD was my FAVORITE parenting book in regard to dealing with ADHD. “With decades of experience working with ADD children, Dr. Edward Hallowell has long argued that ADD is too often misunderstood, mistreated, and mislabeled as a “disability.” Superparenting for ADD offers a specific game plan. By understanding your child as described in Superparenting, you can nurture YOUR child through homeschooling. You can allow your child to safely take risks. You can let your child dabble as a way to learn, encourage playful practice and support mastery of a skill. Then you can recognize and reward your child’s accomplishments.
Calm Kids Program – The Calm Kids Program Increases Your Childs Concentration, Focus And Attention Span As Well Calming Him Down In Minutes…perfect For The Hyperactive/ADD Child.
The Gift Of ADHD – “Children with ADHD exhibit exceptional strengths that Honos-Webb sees as opportunities. These gifts include emotional sensitivity toward others, passion and exuberance. They have unusual problem-solving skills and a love of nature. Honos-Webb’s goal is to bring these traits to light and help parents transform “symptoms into talents—or at the least, lovable eccentricities.”
Parenting Children With Adhd – “Gives parents a framework for building a successful parenting program at home. Reviews the educational rights of children with ADHD and outlines a process for working with school district’s to get your child the help they need.”
ADHD: A Path to Success – Very interesting commentary within the reviews of this book. You can check out the author’s website at – Download the first 36 pages of the book for free at I have not used this program, so this is NOT an endorsement of the product, but I do find the reviews on Amazon to be quite intriguing.
Dr. Bob’s Guide to Stop ADHD in 18 Days – A highly rated, thorough guide to overcoming ADHD through dietary changes.
Making the System Work for Your Child with ADHD – “Detailed practical information on a variety of topics relevant to raising a child with AD/HD,” “How to cut through the red tape and get what you need from doctors, teachers, schools, and healthcare plans.”
The Little Monster: Growing Up With ADHD – A valuable tool for any parent, teacher or individual who is touched by ADHD that will help you understand your ADHD child. It will help you cope with your child’s ADHD more easily.
Attention Deficit Disorder Association
Attention Deficit Disorder Resources
CHADD – Children and Adults with Attention-Deficit Disorder
Health Info for ADD / ADHD (Signs & Symptoms from NIMH)
National Institute of Mental Health – ADHD Menu
National Resource Center on AD/HD
NICHCY Fact Sheets on ADD / ADHD
NINDS Attention Deficit-Hyperactivity Disorder Info Page