IEP Training for Educationally Involved Parents
Do you need Free IEP Training?
If you have a child on an IEP and feel like you’re a lost fish swimming in an ocean of special education jargon, I’ve been there! Going through this IEP Training will reduce your confusion and feeling of being overwhelmed. It might even help you feel like a true member of your child’s IEP team!
Let me welcome to Learning Abled Kids’ IEP Training. Since IEPs can determine what your child is taught, how your child is taught, who teaches the content, as well as when and where your child’s education is provided, the IEP is a critical document.
The IEP is the document that holds the school accountable for teaching your child. If you are a teacher, an IEP is your guide to teaching a particular child. The IEP lets you know what to teach the child and how to reach the child best.
To get the most out of this IEP Training, be sure to click on exploration links provided throughout the course, answer the knowledge questions for fun and learning. If you want to look up the actual code, you can visit the Government’s IDEA website and search for regulations of interest.
Resource books you may find helpful, both before and after completing this training, are:
“Complete IEP Guide, The: How to Advocate for Your Special Ed Child
“The IEP from A to Z: How to Create Meaningful and Measurable Goals and Objectives”
“Wrightslaw: Special Education Legal Developments and Cases 2019”
These books let you know yours, and your child’s, specific rights as provided by U.S. federal laws. It is often essential that you know your rights in order to know what schools must do for children with disabilities. If you are a religious person, you may also find the “Interfaith Education Prayer” helpful in improving your IEP meeting outcomes.
Also, if you are battling with your public school, or find you are doing so in the future, I’d like to suggest you consider the feasibility of homeschooling your child for better educational outcomes! First, if you doubt your ability or tolerance for homeschooling your child, please read two resources before deciding homeschooling is an impossibility:
1) Our public school to homeschool to college story, and
2) The book “Overcome Your Fear Homeschooling,”
If you are at any time considering homeschooling your learning abled child, please join the Learning Abled Kids’ support group on Facebook. The group provides support to you when you are educating your child at home. It will help you find specialty curriculum, tutoring/therapy services, homeschool co-op classes, or independent homeschooling programs.
You will find the members are welcoming. Many have given up on the public school battle for an appropriate education. Having been there, we all understand many of the issues and feelings you have about providing your child’s education at home. It can be a scary thought!
Truly, homeschooling is actually a GREAT way to meet your child’s needs. Why? Because YOU are in control of your child’s education. You can provide whatever you know your child needs without IEP meeting schedules that drag out over months or years. You won’t be wasting your child’s precious learning time. So, if you are at all inclined towards homeschooling, please join us!
In the meantime, if you’re still trying to make public education work, please make use of this IEP Training. It is great to arm yourself with the knowledge of IEPs, requirements, and to set your expectations at the level you suspect your child can achieve. I’m cheering for you and your child no matter which route you take!
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