IEP Training Course Objectives for “What Is an IEP?” Course
IEP Training Course Goals
The MAIN goal of this IEP Training course is to teach you how to write an IEP that is serves your child well.
You’ll learn how to develop an IEP that has great, measurable goals, and which will comply with IDEA.
At the end of this IEP Training course, you will be able to:
- Name the required sections of an IEP.
- Write an appropriate Present Levels of Performance (PLOP) statement.
- Develop measurable, objective IEP goals for your child.
- State the difference between modifications and accommodations.
- List different types of supports or services your child may receive.
- Give 2 or more examples of appropriate measures of progress.
- Name the primary, or first choice, placement expected by IDEA for every child.
This IEP Training course is relatively short and covers the basics that parents need to know. This course is not comprehensive in regard to how the full special education process works. The course assumes your child has already had a comprehensive educational evaluation and is eligible for special education services. You may want to grab a copy of Wrightslaw: All About IEPs if you’d like the fullest understanding possible.
You will get out of this IEP Training course what you put into it. The main purpose of the course is to learn how to support your child by understanding the components of an appropriate IEP.
I am excited you are proceeding with this course and your child will benefit from your increased familiarity with IEPs. Many parents spend years in the dark regarding their child’s education, so your presence here is truly exciting! YOU ROCK!
As you proceed through the IEP Training course, engaging in the interactive activities will strengthen your understanding. They will also make your learning more fun. As with any course, you will get out of this IEP Training course what you put in to it!