Study Aids for Students with Learning Disabilities
Study Aids Can Make a Difference In Your Child’s Learning Success
Learn about options for study aids you can use with your child here and on
Many children with learning disabilities have a Visual learning style. Images help kids with visual learning styles remember information. For kids who are visual learners, educational posters are GREAT study aids.
I have culled through the website for posters on various educational topics. You can view the posters in the Educational Posters For Learning section. Pick out a couple of posters for the science and/or social studies topics your child is learning each year.
Visual Organizers are another key to presenting information in a way that is easy for a child with dyslexia to understand and remember. Visual Organizers can be used as study aids when your child uses them to organize information he’s learned. There is a wide variety of graphic organizers available on Amazon.
**Memory Training For Students – As far as study aids go, this is a great program for helping students enhance their memory skills. Remembering information is a skill many students struggle with. It is not because they were born with or without any ability to remember. The fact of the matter is, many children must be taught specifically HOW to remember or memorize needed information. If your child struggles with memory and recall, this is an option you’ll want to consider to improve your child’s performance in all subjects.
Using a self-drilling flashcard exercise is one of the great study aids we picked up during our schooling too. Visit the Memory/Recall page to learn how to use homemade flashcards as study aids.
Merriam Webster’s Word Central is a site where you can play with words in the “Science Lab”, learn the Daily Buzzword, and have other fun with words.