High School Homeschool Curriculum Options For You
SO Your High School Homeschool Years Have ARRIVED! 😀
Congratulations! Or should I offer my condolences?
CONGRATULATIONS, INDEED on reaching your high school homeschool years!
Although you may be shaking in your shoes with the thought of a High School Homeschool, YOU can do this! Even if you are eager to forge ahead, high school homeschool can be a challenge with your learning abled kid.
Many parents are intimidated by subjects like Algebra, Chemistry, and Economics. Take heart.. There are MANY good options for providing a high school homeschool education for your child.
The pages in this section will help you navigate through your options for high school homeschool. While I have not fully developed this section of the website yet, these resources will get you started:
High School Homeschool Resource Pages
Homeschool High School Programs Options
Learn about your high school homeschool options in our Homeschool through High School Section. Beginning to homeschool your child in high school can seem exciting and overwhelming. However, there are countless options and resources to help your child succeed while completing a high school diploma. This section explains your options to help you in your decision making.
Virtual High School Options
In this section you will find an extensive list of high school homeschool programs offered through virtual school providers. There are public charter schools, paid programs, and other virtual high school options. Some of the charter programs are actually public schools. If you choose one of those, you will not actually be homeschooling. However, using a virtual program can be a great alternative for kids who prefer to learn at home or who need to be out of their traditional high school.
Free Online High School Options
This page provides great high school homeschool course options. You can use the courses in this section to create a full high school program for your child. Simply follow your state’s high school graduation requirements and pick courses to fill those requirements in your child’s high school homeschool.
Accredited Homeschool Programs
If you want an accredited program for your child’s high school homeschool, visiting the accreditation page is a good idea. You may or may not want to use an accredited program. Using such a program will provide credibility, but you’ll be trading that for flexibility. Only you can make this tricky decision for your child’s high school homeschool.
Planning for college can be a lengthy and time-consuming process if done properly. There is a lot to consider! I hope to have a new section to share the steps needed to prepare for college available here too.
Probably one of the most important places to start college preparation is in looking for scholarships for students with disabilities, for students in your state, or in your child’s areas of interest. We used The Ultimate Scholarship Book.
The Ultimate Scholarship Book 2025: Billions of Dollars in Scholarships, Grants and Prizes
23% OffAnd if your child is NOT interested in college, there are options for Teens starting Home Businesses – Homeschooled…or Not! – Teach Your Teen How To Start A Business At Home! Many kids who struggled in school are very successful with creating their own businesses. They’ve got unique skills, interests, and passions on which they can build their own business. There are plenty of options and resources for your child to build their own business. All they need is an interest and the drive to start trying things out. No Prev Business Knowledge is needed!