Homeschool Success Stories with Learning Disabilities

Homeschool Graduate
Homeschool Success Stories From Learning Abled Kids
Do you think you have to be full of patience, totally organized, and super smart to successfully homeschool your children? NAAAAHHHHHH.. Ordinary moms, JUST LIKE YOU have enough patience, and smart enough to homeschool their kiddos.
You can find hope through homeschool success stories about learning abled kids whose educational outcomes were transformed through homeschooling.
Since you are concerned about your child’s education (you wouldn’t be here if you weren’t), you probably have considered homeschooling as an option. You may be uncertain because of your child’s unique learning needs or have self-doubts.
Whether your child has learning disabilities, is gifted, or both, you may feel unqualified to homeschool, BUT REGULAR moms with all kinds of backgrounds have created homeschool success stories!
Moms like you, who are dedicated to the well-being of their children, can create homeschool success stories because you’re passionate about your child’s education. Your love for your child will allow you to do what is best for your child in spite of any fears or uncertainty you may feel.
We’re gathering homeschool success stories to share with you. We hope to have more homeschool success stories, so if you have one, feel free to comment to be contacted about an interview.
Each of the moms below have homeschooled a child with challenges and experienced great educational outcomes. We’ve all created our own homeschool success stories.
If you read our stories, you may find your child’s story somewhere within these pages. Maybe one day your homeschool success stories will be featured here too! I’d love to feature you and your child’s great outcomes. 😉
KellieS’s Homeschool Success Story: From Homeschool to President’s List with a 4.0 GPA
Our Original Homeschool Success Story: Overcoming Learning Disablities through Homeschooling
Join Moms who are Creators of Homeschool Success Stories!
If you’d like to learn more about the possibilities of creating your own Homeschool Success story through homeschooling, feel free to join one of our Learning Abled Kids’ Homeschooling Support Groups.
We have a Yahoo Homeschooling Support Group that operates primarily through email. You can join the Learning Abled Kids’ homeschooling support group, with more than 1600 members, at:
We also have a Private Facebook Support Group. You can join the Facebook homeschooling support group at:
Get started on your own Homeschool Success Story today! 😀